Back in July 2011 I wrote about the Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge here. Within a week or two we took another jaunt, farther down the road, to Border Field State Park. Which by its name you might imagine is on the Mexican border. Which it is.

From the abandoned picnic area we headed on west to the beach. I think it's three miles long, north from the border to the mouth of the Tijauna Estuary. Supposedly you can hike on up to Imperial Beach, but I'm not clear on how you would get across the river -- a satellite view doesn't show a bridge. It look like quite a leap. Maybe when the tide is out? I guess we'll have to go see for ourselves. I'll let you know.
But here's the beach at the border of the US side. Empty of people. Pelicans flying over.
And to our left, up on the hill, that bull ring that we wanted to see close up. We saw it from a distance on the previous trip to the Estuary. Notice the border patrol.
And heading down the dunes, here's the Tijuana beachfront. It's hard to see in the pictures how packed that beach is.
Sorry for the blurry telescopic photo.
You can't help imagining how one could get across that border. Or maybe it's just my naturally nefarious mind.
I wish I had a picture of the roadrunner I saw as we were walking back to the car. It darted into the road from one side, raced ahead of us and then off into the brush on the other side. Mike didn't even see it--they are so quick! That's my second roadrunner ever, and they just make you smile.
There are some other day trips I've neglected to put up here, so I'll be trying to catch that up. Keep an eye out.